Five things you should know before applying eyelash extensions

5 things you should know before applying eyelash extensions

Looking for longer and fuller lashes? Eyelash extensions, which were once associated with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, are now common in spas and salons. Anyone can now have extensions glued to their lashes and add fullness to their eyes, without the need for too much makeup. Are you feeling a bit apprehensive about trying eyelash extensions? This article will clear up all the doubts.


Do extensions damage your natural lashes?


While most people believe that lash extensions ruin your natural lashes, they don't. If applied correctly by a trained lash artist, they are safe and don't have any side effects on your lashes. However, be sure not to rub your eyes or pull at the extensions, as this can cause lash loss or harm to your lashes. A lash professional should know that the extensions should be applied to each individual lash to support the extra weight.


How long does it take to apply eyelash extensions?


A lash expert can take about two hours to apply a full set of lashes. Lash extensions require year-round maintenance and need touch-ups after three to four weeks. If you'd like to achieve a similarly dramatic look without spending too much money, your eyelash professional can apply half a set of lashes. The extensions can either be fillers to thicken your natural eyelashes or used outward of the eye for a specific look.


Do extensions fall out after some time?


Because lash extensions are attached to a single natural lash, they will fall out naturally with the natural growth cycle of your lashes. This is why experts recommend a touch-up after about four weeks. However, it is not uncommon to find inexperienced professionals who apply one synthetic lash to three natural lashes, which causes clumps that soon fall off. Oils and makeup can shorten the glue bond's life, as does rubbing, which can pull off the lashes. If you avoid these problems, your lashes will stay intact.


The best lash extensions are customized for you


Because everyone's eyes and eyelashes are different, you'll need a set that compliments the shape of your eyes, the length of your natural lashes, and your lifestyle. One curl and length may look great on one person but look entirely different for another. This means that you'll have to consult with your expert to find a look that suits you. A consultation will also help you find out which material is best for you. The most common materials include silk and faux mink. Silk has a shiny appearance that pops more, while mink looks natural and is fluttery. A great eyelash artist can also find the perfect length to give your lashes a naturally delicate vibe.


Are there any side effects you should be aware of?


Some people are allergic to the glue, which can cause swelling and redness. If not applied correctly, your eyelids could also get stuck together, according to health expert Leslie Meerburg. However, extensions pose no health risk if they are used professionally, but they are more irritating than natural lashes if they get into your eye.


Final thoughts


Because of the sensitive nature of the eyes and the surrounding area, you must find someone certified to apply lashes. Professionals use the recommended products and have sufficient training to apply lashes without damaging natural lashes or your eyes. Just like you research when shopping for a product, research who you want to do your lashes. Determine how long they have been doing this for, read reviews, look at before and after photos, and ensure they are lash-certified and licensed.



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